Types of Reports in Salesforce

Reports are important in any business.

Dashboards and reports in Salesforce offer solutions to the doubts that are important for a business or organization.

For example, important queries such as the number of employees who received a bonus of about 20% or more this year, the sales team that has given the maximum leads, and the number of leads that have converted as customers to business can be tracked in Salesforce by utilizing Dashboards and Reports.

What is the Salesforce Report?

The reports in Salesforce consist of a list of data meeting specific criteria and offering clear answers to the queries of the management. The records are showcased in a display form and this way, the answers can be grouped or filtered as per the field.

Benefits of Salesforce Report

The main benefit of utilizing a Salesforce report is the user can obtain and understand the data quickly and easily.

As the reports are displayed in rows and columns, they can be with write access or be hidden, shared, and be public access.

It helps the business in making informed decisions like how to interact with the customers effectively and what new services or products to create.

There are two types of reports in Salesforce. They are:

  • Custom Report Types
  • Standard Report Types

Custom Report Types

The custom report is created by the user or admin for a custom or particular object with the permission – Manage Custom Report Types.

It is possible to include objects of up to four layers until they have a parent-child association.

The custom report type is used when there is a need to report on several objects and when standard report types cannot particularly mention which records are existing on reports.

The best part of a custom report is the user can specify objects that exist in a specific report.

The main object should have an association with other objects that are in the report type either indirectly or directly.

Object associations maintained by the Custom Types can:

  • Comprise entire records that may not or may have children.
  • Comprise entire records that consist of children.

Points To Remember:

  • When you are removing the object from the report type, you should know that the entire references to the object as well as connected objects get automatically removed from the dashboards and reports according to that type.
  • When the custom object is the main object on the report and when it is removed, then that custom report types, as well as other reports developed from that specific report, are automatically removed/deleted.
  • When the report type is set, then it is not possible to change the primary object.

Standard Report Types

Salesforce offers a vast range of standard report types where the user can modify as per their unique needs.

The user may have to develop a fresh report very rarely.

Standard report types can be automatically included with custom objects and standard objects.

It cannot be modified and it automatically consists of custom and standard fields for the respective object in the report type.

The standard report types are created when the associated report type is developed and when the object is developed.

Point To Remember:

The standard report type consists of inner joins.

If you are not able to choose a report to modify as per your requirement, then it is also possible to develop a custom report, thereby viewing the right data.

Self-service reports: It helps the user to determine the value of the Self-Service portal. The user can determine the number of customers that are logging in, the number of cases that are viewed, and also the customer’s opinion regarding the solution or product you are providing.

Asset and product report: It is best to utilize asset and product reports to see data about the products the users have installed recently. With these reports, you can determine assets that are not connected with the product, list the cases funneled for a specific asset, and determine the assets the customers hold.

Lead reports: The lead report showcases data regarding the status and source of leads, lead fields history, neglected leads, and the time that takes to reply to leads.

Activity reports: It is useful for collecting data about pending approval requests, multi-person events, accomplished activities, and open activities where the user should be a delegated approver.

Contact and account report: It is utilized to gather information about the new, neglected or active accounts and also accounts by partner or account owner. Contact and account reports help you to track prospects by contact role or develop a mailing list.

Campaign reports: Campaign reports are best for analyzing marketing efforts. It helps in getting data about the return of investment of the campaigns, finding the opportunities that have resulted from the campaigns, track who has responded to the campaigns and who you have targeted.

Reporting about support activity: The support reports are utilized to determine the cases developed, cases with solutions, case contact roles, case owners, case emails, case comments, the amount of time where the case was lastly modified by owner or status, and the case history.

Opportunity reports: It offers data about the opportunities like amounts, accounts, stages, owners, and more. It has default settings that showcase the commonly used data from each object. However, you can modify the report to gather other data like the synced quote, forecast category, and primary campaign source.

HVS reports or High-Velocity Sales reports: It provides data about the inside sales efforts. It permits you to evaluate the ways prospects become qualified leads and pick the most effective cadence step. It is also possible to check the representative’s phone call stats, the reps that are bringing the high number of prospects, and much more.

Content and file reports: Content and run file reports help to determine how the users are interacting with Salesforce CRM and file content.

Administrative reports: It permits the user to analyze the pending approval requests, documents, and Salesforce users. It is also possible to see Salesforce users who are active and find out who is logging in.

Types of Report Formats in Salesforce

The user can create four kinds of report formats in Salesforce. They are

  • Joined Report
  • Summary Report
  • Matrix Report
  • Tabular Report

Each report displays various kinds of information in unique formats.

If you are thinking about which kind of report to create, you have to first determine the goal of creating the reports and know what you wish to communicate or determine through the reports.

Points To Remember:

  • Every report consists of the main object as well as one or several associated objects.
  • The objects have to be associated indirectly or directly.
  • After creating a report, it is not possible to alter its report type.
  • There can be only four objects in the report.

Let us discuss each report in detail.

Joined Reports:

A single report that consists of blocks of associated data is called a joined report.

While using this report, the user can utilize five unique blocks to showcase five different kinds of information.

The user can create two or more reports and even review or compare the individual data.

Though it is not frequently used, it is helpful when trying to review unique differences between two or more accounts. Each block consists of unique sort order, filers, formulas, summary fields, and columns.

The joined reports are best to use to showcase data from several report types in different views.

Summary Reports:

One of the frequently used reports in most businesses is the summary report.

It mainly shows a group of information. The user can group information of various accounts and perform calculations to see averages, minimums, maximums, and totals.

It is recommended to use a summary report when you wish to develop a gradationally grouped report like sales organized in a quarter and then by year or when you need to subtotal as per the particular field’s value.

In this report, you can easily determine which services or products are purchased the most and which accounts are delivering more revenue to the business.

Matrix Reports:

Matric report permits the user to group information as per by column and row.

It is possible to compare the associated overall data with the overall column and row.

It is a bit more complex than the tabular report. It is useful and effective if you want to showcase large complex information.

It can also be used when you wish to determine information of two unique dimensions that are not associated with the product and date.

Tabular Reports:

One of the simplest kinds of Salesforce reports is tabular reports.

They showcase a list of information without the subtotals and in rows.

If you wish to export the data, you can utilize the tabular reports.

They can also be used when you wish to look at a group of items consisting of a grand total or need a simple list. Tabular reports are not suggested when you wish to deploy information in any form such as calculations, existing totals, or groups of information.