Salesforce Business Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

You’re successful if you’ve just been invited to an interview for a Salesforce Business Analyst position. It is crucial to prepare yourself with Salesforce business analyst interview questions regardless of whether you are applying for a senior position, a middle-level position, or a junior-level position. This will help you to avoid being caught off guard during the interview.

There will be many candidates interested in this position due to its fierce competition. Therefore, job seekers need to understand what the employer is looking for to stand out.

Likewise our previous post Salesforce Admin Interview Questions & Answers, this post includes some of the most recent and frequently asked business analyst interview questions to assist you in this situation.

1. How does a Salesforce business analyst contribute to a company?

A business analyst essentially acts as a liaison or link between various stakeholders who are involved in various areas of a firm. A business analyst needs to balance the needs of many stakeholders while achieving corporate goals.

2. What are a business analyst’s fundamental skills?

A business analyst needs to be an excellent communicator and negotiator. Among the crucial skills are problem-solving, analytical thinking, and decision-making. A business analyst should also possess business process management abilities, sufficient technical competence, and industry understanding.

3. What equipment and abilities do business analysts employ?

Among the technological tools and abilities are knowledge of databases, SQL, ERP systems, Google Docs, Microsoft Office, and other programs. However, some business analysis and non-technical talents include requirements elicitation, documenting, managing business processes, and more.

4. Describe INVEST.

Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized Appropriately, and Testable are all letters in the acronym INVEST. Project managers and business analysts typically use this phrase to refer to the delivery of high-quality goods and services.

5. How do SWOT and MoSCoW differ from one another?

Generally, MoSCoW means Must or Should, Could or Would. The framework needs should be prioritized by comparing each requirement with other needs. For instance, must-haves should be prioritized over should-haves. 

It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. One of the most widely used methods for allocating resources is SWOT Analysis. The ability to recognize and interpret a framework’s strengths and weaknesses into threats and opportunities is essential for a good business analyst. 

6. What are project deliverables?

Project deliverables are the products and services delivered to the end user once the project is completed. 

7.  Defining business project stages.

It is important to know that there are several stages involved in a business or IT project, including Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring, and Closure.

8. UML: what is it and how is it used?

As a developmental modeling language, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an IT industry standard that is used to provide a standard way to envision the overall system. In addition, it is used to identify and eliminate bottlenecks and errors within a system by rationalizing its behavior.

9. Give an overview of SRS and its major components.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) documents set out the requirements for a specific software application or system. They encompass a wide range of elements customers and stakeholders need.

  • Score of Work
  • Criteria for Acceptance
  • Requirements both functional and non-functional
  • Assumptions and Constraints
  • Dependencies
  • Data Model

10. Would you be able to define BRD? How does it differ from SRS?

A Business Requirement Document or BRD, as they are called by their readers, refers to a formal agreement between a client and a company for the development of a specific product. Three major differences separate a BRD from a Standard Requirements Document (SRS):

SRS is a derivative of BRD

After direct interaction with the client, BRD is developed, and SRS is based on technical expertise and needs.

11. Would you be able to tell me what the requirements are? How do needs and requirements differ?

Defining requirements is the key to achieving business goals. The set of requirements/conditions is documented correctly for reference by stakeholders before a project is implemented. 

On the other hand, needs are the best representation of the terms.  

12. What are the criteria for stating if a requirement is perfect?

Requirements are perfect if they are SMART, meaning Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Describe the project accurately. All of the parameters for success should be measurable. A relevant and attainable set of resources is needed. It is necessary to reveal all of the conditions and elements on time.

13. Requirement Traceability Matrix: What is its purpose?

Using the Requirement Traceability Matrix, you can track all the requirements from a client and make sure that all requirements have been met.

14. The Definition of Business Modeling.

A business model can be defined as a step-by-step, comprehensive approach to identifying the business’s value proposition. The attributes of a good business model include

  • Action Plan
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Strategies
  • Objectives

15. How does a project life cycle work?

A project life cycle is a framework used by business analysts to divide projects into varying phases and to describe decision points along the way.

16. What is Gap Analysis and what type of gaps might be detected during an analysis?

It refers to the study of differences between target and exciting systems in terms of their functionalities. The gap refers to what changes are required to achieve the stated result. The different types of gaps include 

  1. Market Gap: Basically, it is a measure of how different the real sales are from the estimated sales.
  2. Profit Gap: This measures the difference between an organization’s estimated profit and its actual profit.
  3. Manpower Gap: The gap between what an organization requires and what it has in terms of workforce strength.
  4. Performance Gap: The gap between what is expected and what occurs.

17. To develop a use case, what strategies will you follow?

In designing use cases, the following approaches and strategies should be used:

  • In the first phase, the user categories will be identified to create personas and identify the roles’ objectives.
  • The second phase is all about structuring and creating the use case by capturing functional and non-functional requirements as well as user interface details and use case diagrams.
  • In the third and final phase, the use case is reviewed and validated.

18. How much documentation does a business analyst need?

 As part of the project lifecycle, several documents are used. And, the types of documents vary according to how a business analyst uses the process. Some of the most common documents that a business analyst uses include:

  • A document describing the initiative
  • The document describing the gap analysis
  • The document describing the system requirements
  • A document requesting a change
  • Documentation of business requirements
  • The document describing functional requirements
  • The document describing the use case specifications
  • Traceability matrix for requirements

19. How would you define requirement elicitation?

The requirement elicitation aims to acquire information from users and stakeholders directly through strategies and approaches when collaborating with them. Some examples include

  • Document analysis
  • Interviews
  • Observations and workshops
  • Brainstorming
  • Questionnaire/surveys
  • Prototyping

20. What are some of the different types of business analyst diagrams? What impact do they have on the work?

Diagram models include

  • Flowcharts: Flow charts depict the entire system’s flow. Using them makes the operation easy to understand for technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Use Case Diagrams: Diagrams of this type describe the functionality of a system by defining a set of services, functions, and actions.
  • Activity Diagram: Diverse activities and the flow between departments are illustrated by them.

Diagrams such as these are very useful in identifying the functional requirements of a system, finalizing the development priorities, and identifying factors that may affect the project on an internal or external level. 

  • Collaboration Diagrams: Known as communication diagrams or interaction diagrams, these depict how software objects interact and relate to each other.
  • Sequence Diagrams: By using such diagrams, we can demonstrate the interaction between varying objects and the flow of messages between them over time.

21. Define Salesforce Business Analyst.

Business analysts work on Salesforce projects to improve business processes and efficiency. They help organizations improve efficiency and productivity by eliciting, documenting, and analyzing business challenges, then producing data-driven solutions to them.

22. Define  Enterprise Analysis.

An Enterprise Analysis examines an organization’s structure, including who reports to whom, and how departments interact. This information helps your team communicate and collaborate more effectively.

23. Define Strategy Analysis.

The purpose of a strategic analysis is to formulate a business strategy by researching a company and its operating environment.

24. Define Stakeholder Analysis.

The stakeholder analysis process involves identifying these individuals before a project begins, grouping them according to their levels of involvement, interest, and influence, and deciding how each group should be incorporated and communicated.

25. Define Requirement Elicitation.

The process of requirements elicitation involves finding out what users, customers, and other stakeholders need for a system.

There are three general stages to requirements elicitation.

  1. Prepare for elicitation – collect accurate and comprehensive information about the project’s business needs.
  2. Conduct elicitation – discuss the needs of stakeholders and the business’s needs with stakeholders.
  3. Confirm elicitation results – confirm that the stated requirements match the problem and needs, as well as that the understanding aligns with the stakeholders’ actual wishes.

26. List out a few Elicitation Techniques.

Common elicitation techniques include:

  • Focus groups
  • Document analysis
  • Interviews
  • Brainstorming
  • Process modeling
  • Interface analysis
  • Requirements workshops
  • Observation
  • Surveys/questionnaires
  • Prototyping

27. In simple terms, what is a RACI chart?

The RACI acronym stands for accountable, consultative, and informed, and it is a matrix that is used to delineate who is accountable for what during the business analysis process. 

  • Responsible: A person who does the work or performs an activity.
  • Accountable: Responsible for achieving the result 
  • Consulted: Someone who needs to provide feedback or contribute to the project. 
  • Informed: Someone who needs to be aware of a decision or action.


28. User stories: what are they?

Users’ stories describe how a business system should function so that it can be developed; they are sometimes called tickets or work items. 

In this format, you would write “As a… I want to… So that I can…”

Every user story has three components.

  1. Who: From whose perspective (aka user persona) will each user story be written?
  2. What: Will the user story result in achieving or implementing a specific Salesforce goal?
  3. Why: why is it necessary for the user to be able to use the Salesforce functionality outlined in the user story?

The key to a successful user story is (INVEST):

  • Independent: User stories should not overlap in concept and should be independent.
  • Negotiable: A user story isn’t a contract. It’s an invitation to a conversation. It captures the essence, not the details.
  • Valuable: If a story does not have value for the end user, it should not be created.
  • Estimable: If you want to prioritize and schedule a successful user story, you can estimate its timeline. It doesn’t need to be exact, but you should have a general idea so that you can prioritize and schedule its development.
  • Small: When it comes to user stories, smaller ones tend to get more accurate timelines. Remember you can elaborate during the discussion.
  • Testable: A good user story can be tested. If it is successful, anyone can look at it and say, “I can write acceptance criteria for this story.”.

29. Use cases: what are they?

From the perspective of a user, a use case identifies, defines, and organizes the system requirements.

30. What do you mean by the Functional requirements specification (FRS) document?

A Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) is a document that indicates the business requirements that are defined from the perspective of the end-user or business. It will specify the expected outcomes of the project.

31. How does an SRS document work?

The system requirements specification (SRS) document describes how the entire system should function and outlines hardware, software, and functional and behavioral requirements

32. Gap analysis documents: what are they?

The gap analysis document describes the gaps between the current processes and the intended processes.

33. Requirement Traceability Matrix: What is it?

In a requirements traceability matrix, all requirements, along with the respective project deliverables such as design documents, and test cases, are captured. The matrix can be used to determine whether the current project requirements are being met.

34. Pareto Analysis: What is it?

Pareto analysis is a formal technique for analyzing situations where multiple courses of action are competing. A problem-solver estimates each action’s benefit and then selects a few of the most effective actions that deliver a total benefit that is relatively close to the maximum possible.

35. MoSCoW: what is it?

MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis is a method used in management, business analysis, project management, and software development to identify the importance of each requirement to stakeholders.

Its acronym derives from each of the four categories of prioritization: M for must-haves, S for should-haves, C for could-haves, and W for won’t-haves.

36. How does a Business Analyst contribute to UAT?

A Business Analyst’s key responsibilities during UAT include:

  • Setup and validation of test data
  • Identify the UAT testers
  • Plan and coordinate UAT sessions
  • UAT test scripts should be written
  • Defect triage during UAT
  • Sign off on UAT

37. Is it easy for you to work with different software applications?

Use your answer to highlight any software or application knowledge you may have, including those outside Salesforce, to help the interviewer determine your ability to work with multiple applications.

For example, “I am comfortable working with a variety of different software applications. I worked as a business analyst alongside developers who specialized in other platforms like Java and C# in my previous position. Even though I don’t have extensive experience using these languages, I worked with them on projects where we integrated data from multiple sources. This helped me gain a deeper understanding of how other programming languages function.”

38. Are there any skills that a Salesforce business analyst must have?

By answering this question, you are showing the interviewer that you possess the skills and abilities necessary for the job. 

“The most important skills for a Salesforce business analyst include analytical thinking, communication, and problem-solving.” 

Examples: “It is important to have analytical thinking skills, communication skills, and problem-solving skills. In addition to helping me understand clients’ needs, find solutions to problems, and communicate with my team, these skills allow me to create reports to explain our findings to clients clearly.”

39. In what ways are Salesforce business analysts and Salesforce developers related?

Use this question to demonstrate your ability to collaborate with other team members, including developers, and reflect on your understanding of the role and responsibilities of a business analyst.

Example: Salesforce developers are people who have a deep understanding of coding languages such as Apex and VisualForce. They can create new objects or modify existing ones in the system. Salesforce business analysts, on the other hand, analyze data and create reports for sales teams to gain insight into their performance. In my opinion, both roles are crucial to the company as they allow us to work together toward achieving our company’s goals.“

40. How have you worked with data analysis tools in the past?

You can use examples from previous work to demonstrate your ability to apply data analysis tools to your job responsibilities. This question can help the interviewer determine your experience with business analysis tools.

Example: “I have worked with several different data analysis tools, including Tableau, Power BI, and Microsoft Excel. These tools are useful for analyzing large amounts of data and creating reports based on my findings. In my last role as a business analyst, I was responsible for analyzing sales data and preparing quarterly reports for upper management using these tools. This process was very beneficial to me because it helped me identify trends in sales data for the company.

41. Tell us about a time you identified a problem with a company’s sales process and recommended a solution.

In answering this question, you can illustrate your ability to solve problems and use critical thinking.

Example: “When I was at my previous job, our sales team was spending too much time on administrative tasks, which was causing them not to meet their quotas. As a result, they could not spend enough time with clients, leading to fewer sales. To resolve this problem, I designed a new user interface for the sales team that allowed them to access all of their information from one place. By eliminating some of the steps involved in finding client information, they were able to save time. This resulted in a 10% increase in revenue within six months for the sales team.”

42. What area of Salesforce would you like to specialize in if hired?

When answering this question, show the interviewer that you’re passionate about Salesforce while also mentioning an area of interest that aligns with the job description.

Example: “I’ve always been interested in developing custom applications within Salesforce. I find it fascinating to learn about how developers create tools and features with Apex code. If hired, I’d be happy to work on projects that allow me to use my coding skills.”

43. How would you react if you had access to confidential company data but were not permitted to share it?

You will be tested on your integrity and your ability to follow company policies. Your answer should demonstrate a thorough understanding of confidentiality and that you will not share confidential information outside of your team.

Example: My team members and I would not be able to share any data until I am able to complete my analysis. When I needed assistance from another member of my team, I asked them to complete my task as quickly as possible so we could remove access to confidential information.”

44. What is your experience working within a team environment as a Salesforce business analyst?

An interviewer may ask you this question to see if you are a team player and can collaborate on projects well with others. Provide examples of how you have worked in a team previously, especially if you were collaborating with others to accomplish a task or solve a problem.


In my opinion, working in a team environment is beneficial because it enables us to exchange ideas and information with each other. As a Salesforce business analyst, I worked with a small team to develop a new sales forecasting tool for Salesforce. With our varying skills and knowledge of Salesforce, we were able to combine our talents to create a useful tool.”

45. Have you worked with SQL databases before?

If you have previous experience as a business analyst, tell the interviewer what you liked about it and if not, explain why you are interested in learning more about SQL databases.

Example: Having worked with SQL databases on a basic level, I am excited to learn how they work within Salesforce because I believe it is an important skill for me to acquire as a business analyst. I used data from multiple sources in my last position to create reports. While I could create the reports, I didn’t know how to access the data.

46. In analyzing data, how do you determine which metrics are most important?

You can use past examples to illustrate how you have analyzed data, identified important metrics, and made decisions based on those findings in this question.

Example: The first thing I do is compare a company’s revenue numbers with last year’s. I then break down the information by the department to see if there are discrepancies. In some cases, it may be necessary to dig deeper into the data to find out why there are fewer leads for one department than expected.

47. Give me an example of how you would improve our customer support services.

In addition to testing your problem-solving skills, this question also shows the interviewer how you would apply your Salesforce knowledge to improve an existing process.

Example: As part of my recent work with a client, we identified the processes that were causing the most problems for customers and created new solutions to help streamline these processes. The customer service representatives found it difficult to find out about a customer’s account for too long, for example. Therefore, I suggested creating a custom object that would store all of this information so that our reps could access it more quickly.”

48. How have you written technical documentation in the past?

Using examples from past projects where you wrote technical documentation for users or other stakeholders, you can show your interviewer that you can write clear, concise, and organized documentation.

Example: The first job I held as a business analyst involved writing technical documentation for a client’s new website. I worked with a team of developers to do so. I created user guides and training documents for our sales team on how to use Salesforce as part of the website creation process. We could upload all of our documentation to a document library I created in Salesforce. As a result, we were able to monitor all of our work and ensure all of our employees had access to the information they needed to do their jobs.

49. Is there anything that makes you a good candidate for this job?

Interviewers can learn more about your qualifications and contribution to their company by asking this question. Make sure you carefully read the job description before your interview so that you can reference specific skills in your response. Highlight your most relevant skills and experience in your response.

Example: With five years of business analyst experience and Salesforce expertise, I am the ideal candidate. With my ability to communicate effectively with clients and coworkers, I have built strong relationships with my team members. Besides my extensive project management skills, I am capable of working independently while still communicating regularly with my team.

50. Do you have a favorite Salesforce feature?

Answer this question by listing specific Salesforce features you enjoy using and why, along with an example of how you used them previously.

As an example: “I enjoy working with Visual Flow, object-oriented programming, and  Apex Triggers because they allow me to create complex processes. As part of my last role, I developed a new lead generation workflow for our sales team. The sales representatives were able to follow up on their leads from the initial contact through qualification using these three features.”

51. Is it possible for you to work with a variety of software applications?

This question is a good method of determining if you have experience with multiple applications and programs, including that outside of Salesforce, and if so, if so, what that experience is like.

As an example, I have worked with various software applications in my previous role as a business analyst, including Java and C# developers. It was helpful to work with them on projects where data from different sources needed to be integrated. Although I am not familiar with these languages, I was able to learn more about how they function.

52. How can Salesforce business analysts improve their skills?

By answering this question, you are showing the interviewer that you possess the skills and abilities necessary for the job.

Business analysis Communication Problem-solving Soft skills 

Example –For Salesforce business analysts, it is extremely important for them to possess analytical thinking skills, effective communication skills, and the ability to solve problems. Due to the skills I possess, I am able to comprehend the needs of my clients, resolve issues, and communicate with the team members about what I am doing. Additionally, I can provide our clients with reports that clearly explain our findings.

53. How are Salesforce business analysts and Salesforce developers related?

Use this question to demonstrate your ability to work with other team members, including developers, during the interview.

Example –Salesforce developers are experts in coding languages like Apex and VisualForce. They can make new objects and modify existing ones in Salesforce. The Salesforce business analyst, on the other hand, analyzes data and creates reports that provide insight into how sales teams perform. In order to achieve company goals, we need to work together.

54. How have you worked with data analysis tools in the past?

Utilize examples from your previous work to show how you utilize data analysis tools for your job and how you apply them.

Example-” I have analyzed large amounts of data and created reports using Tableau, Microsoft Excel, and Power BI. ” As a business analyst, I was required to analyze sales data and create quarterly reports using these tools. Finding trends within the company’s sales data was incredibly helpful to me.”

55. Tell us about an instance in which you helped a company improve its sales process by recommending a solution.

This question allows you to demonstrate your problem-solving and critical thinking skills. 

For instance, I noticed at my previous job that our sales team was spending too much time on administrative duties, preventing them from meeting their quotas. As a result, they could not spend enough time with clients, which led to fewer sales. The sales team now has access to all their information from one place thanks to my new user interface. As a result, some of the steps involved in finding client information were eliminated, and sales increased by 10% within six months.

56. What area of Salesforce would you like to specialize in if hired?

When answering this question, show the interviewer that you have a deep passion for Salesforce while also mentioning an area of interest that matches the job description.

As an example, “I have always been interested in coding custom solutions within Salesforce. I enjoy seeing how developers design new features and tools using Apex code. If hired, I look forward to working on projects that use my knowledge of coding.”

57. Could you share confidential company data with your team if you were given access to it but were not authorized to do so?

If you answer this question, it is essential to convey that you understand the importance of confidentiality and will not share sensitive information outside of your team without permission.

In other words, “before I shared any data with my team members, I would make sure I had finished my analysis.” I would always ask another team member for assistance so that we could remove access to confidential data as quickly as possible.”

58. As a Salesforce business analyst, do you enjoy working in a team environment?

Business analysts are often asked this question to determine their ability to work with others and collaborate on projects. Describe how you have worked with teams in the past, especially when you have collaborated with others.

For example, I think it is beneficial for us to work as part of a team because it enables us to share information and ideas. My job as a Salesforce business analyst involved developing a new sales forecasting tool with a small team. Having different abilities and Salesforce knowledge, we were able to combine our talents to create something that was useful.”

59. Are you familiar with SQL databases?

Tell the interviewer why you are interested in learning more about SQL databases if you’ve had previous experience as a business analyst.

Example -It is important for me to develop a business analyst skill that I think is important, so I’m eager to learn more about how SQL databases work within Salesforce. I have worked with SQL databases before, but only on a basic level. In my last position, I generated reports based on data from multiple sources. But I was unable to access the information I needed with SQL”.

60. When analyzing data, what metrics are most important to you?

Exhibit how you have analyzed data identified key metrics and made decisions based on those findings through examples from previous projects.

As an example, I compare a company’s overall sales numbers to its revenue for the same period last year. In order to determine whether revenue generation differs by department, I break up the information by department. To find out why one department is experiencing problems, it may be necessary to dig deeper into the data. For instance, one department may have fewer leads than expected.”

61. Give me an example of how you would improve our customer support services?

The interviewer can also see how you would utilize Salesforce knowledge to improve an existing process or system.

An example: “I recently worked with a client seeking to improve their customer service. Our first step was to identify the processes that were causing customers the most trouble, then develop new solutions that could help streamline these processes. The customer service representatives, for example, took too long to find information about their accounts, which caused a problem. So, I suggested creating a custom object where all of this information would be stored so our reps could access it more quickly.”

62. Tell us about your experience writing technical documentation.

Use examples from past projects where you wrote technical documentation for users or other stakeholders to demonstrate your ability to write clear, concise, and organized documentation.

Example -My first job as a business analyst gave me experience writing technical documentation, and I worked with a team of developers to build a new client website. Since the website was created using Salesforce, I was responsible for creating user guides and training documents for our sales team. I also created a document library in Salesforce where all of our documentation could be uploaded. It enabled us to keep track of all our work and ensured that everyone had access to the information they needed.”

63. When analyzing data, how often do you make mistakes?

It helps the interviewer determine how much experience you have as a business analyst. Your answer should show that you are willing to learn from your mistakes and improve your analysis skills. It also helps them understand your self-confidence and ability to admit when you make mistakes.

Example – I do my best to avoid making mistakes when analyzing data, but I am human, after all. If I make an error, I correct it right away. For example, if I misspell a word in an email or report, I will go back and fix it. If I misread a number or statistic, I will double-check my work before presenting it to my team.”

64. How do you fix a bug in your code?

You can use this question to test your problem-solving skills. You can also demonstrate how you handle errors and obstacles in your work. The steps you take to find, fix and document bugs should be included in your answer.

It is important for me to document my changes if I am able to fix the bug myself. For instance, “I will determine the cause of the bug first. In the case of a more complex problem, I will seek assistance from my manager or another developer. Once the problem has been resolved, I will update all of my documentation.”

65. How do Data Analysts and Business Analysts differ?

Comparing Business Analysts with Data Analysts is a good place to start. Data Analyst Business Analyst
1 A more analytical and problem-solving skill set is required for the role Data visualization and decision-making skills are required
2 The role in the organization is more operational. Organizationally, it is more of a strategic role.
3 Statisticians, SQL experts, and data miners are required for this job. For this position, you must have experience with Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Analytics, etc.

66. What is the core competency of a business analyst?

The following are some skills of a Business Analyst:

  • Analytical thinking and decision-making
  • Problem-solving and negotiation skills
  • Business and industry knowledge
  • Technical and soft skills
  • Business process management

67. How does a feasibility study work?

A BA should study and understand the requirements and problems of a business/project, and he/she should define the business problem’s scope. An idea for a business problem is evaluated for its feasibility (success rate). It helps identify potential opportunities and focuses the project’s efforts.

68. In Business Analytics, what different tools are used?

 The following are some Business Analytics Tools:

69. Describe the flow of the business analysis process.

  • Information gathering
  • Identify the business objective
  • Identify the key stakeholders
  • Analyze the options available
  • Establish a delivery plan
  • Scope the definition
  • Define the requirements of the project
  • Implementation and evaluation

70. What is your project’s risk management process?

An uncertain event can cause a threat to an existing business, affecting revenue or even profits. Risk management can be achieved by identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and controlling the risks we face in a business. Techniques such as acceptance reduction,  risk avoidance, and transfer can be used.

71. Identify the difference between risk mitigation and risk avoidance. Risk Mitigation Risk Avoidance
1 When a risk occurs, risk mitigation is what you do to minimize it. The goal of risk avoidance is to minimize or eliminate the risk.
2 Risks are reduced as a result. By removing the cause, the risk is avoided.
3 The impact on the project/business is checked. Threat occurrences have a 0% impact.
4 Risks are costly if they occur. Costs are eliminated through risk avoidance.

72. In an IT project, what are the different phases?

Project management consists of five phases:

  • Initiation of the project
  • Planning a project
  • Execution of the project
  • Monitoring and controlling the project
  • Closure of the project

73. Identify the differences between a software development life cycle and a project life cycle.

Sl. No. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Project Life Cycle (PLC)
1 A software development tool used to develop specific products This is for the purpose of developing a new product
2 Usually involves a single piece of software across different phases A single customer scenario involves the use of multiple software products at the same time
3 Phases of the SDLC consist of coding, requirements gathering, maintenance, design, operations, and documentation Phases of a PLC include screening, Idea generation,  development, analysis , research, and testing, 

74. Are there any tasks or responsibilities that a project manager is responsible for?

A project manager takes decisions, controls risks, and delivers a project on time. His/her responsibilities include:

  • Establishing the scope of the project
  • Planning resources
  • Estimation of costs and budgets
  • Analyzing risks
  • Control of quality

75. How do you define critical path analysis?

An analysis of critical paths is a process of identifying the set of activities that are focused on the longest path of all within the project, thereby reducing project timelines and controlling expenses as a result.

76. When it comes to business analysis and decision-making, how does CATWOE help?

It is helpful to make decisions ahead of time by considering Customers, Actors, Transformation processes, Worldviews, Owners, and Environmental Constraints (CATWOE). This includes analyzing how those decisions will affect customers (C); identifying the actors in the project (A); exploring the different transformation (T) methods that might affect the global picture and global concerns (W); identifying ownership (O) for the business; and what the environmental (E) impacts will be of the project/business.

77. Provide a list of the components of strategic analysis.

An organization’s strategic plan must include the following components:

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Objectives
  • Action plan
  • Strategies

78. Business models – what are they?

Essentially, a business model is a plan by which one identifies and understands the value proposition of a business and then builds a step-by-step strategy for managing the business. The step-by-step plan is referred to as a business plan. This strategy includes a vision, mission, and strategies to reach the goals of the organization.

79. Provide a list of various software engineering processes.

  • The first step is to gather the requirements
  • Analyze
  • Creating a design
  •  Putting it into practice
  • The testing process
  • Deploying in a business environment

80.  Analyze the differences between Agile and Waterfall methodologies.

Sl. No. Agile Model Waterfall Model
1 The ability to be flexible Methodology for structured software development
2 Major emphasis is placed on customer satisfaction In the internal process, customers are not required to participate
3 Adaptable to changes in requirements It is difficult to implement changes without clearly defined requirements
4 Taking an incremental approach Process of sequential design
5 It is possible to test at every stage of the process Testing is only performed at the end of the process

81. RUP methodology: what is it?

As a product application improvement method, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) utilizes numerous devices to help with the coding of the last product as well as the assignments identified with this objective of the product. An object-oriented approach to software development such as RUP guarantees a successful project management process and high-quality software products.

82. RAD methodology: what is it?

A Rapid Application Development (RAD) model can be described as an incremental approach. A series of phases are organized as a series of individual projects that are produced in parallel with each other. The development of the various phases in the project is timeboxed, delivered, and later assembled into a working application.

83. Project deliverables: what are they?

The deliverables of a project are those items that have been produced and are available for delivery to the customer at the conclusion of the project. That is, they are the results of the project.

84. Provide a list of the components of the Requirements Work Plan.

  • The description of the project
  • The key issues
  • The deliverables
  •  Objectives and goals
  • The strategy
  • The resources
  • Time and budget

85. Is there a purpose to the Requirement Traceability Matrix?

In a Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), all of the requirements given by a client are recorded so that each of these requirements is recorded accurately and efficiently so that each one is met in the future as well.

86. Business process modeling: what is it?

Management of business processes, also called business process modeling, refers to the identification and modeling of the processes that underlie the business of an organization so that they can be improved.

87. Provide a list of the benefits of business process modeling.

  •  It helps visualize a clear understanding of business processes.
  • This ensures consistency and control of the project’s processes.
  • Errors and bottlenecks can be identified and eliminated using it.
  • In this way, the entire process runs smoothly from start to finish.

88. What are the benefits of using UML?

A UML model is a general purpose language that can be used to visualize systems as part of a development process. It provides

  • The reason why the system behaves the way it does
  • Eliminate errors by detecting them and eliminating them
  • Develop design plans and present them to stakeholders

89. What is the best way to analyze performance metrics?

  • Ensure that your key deliverables are met.
  • The project’s budget and time should not be extended.
  • The quality of the deliverables is maintained.

90. In your opinion, what are the responsibilities of Business Analysts under the Agile methodology?

In Agile methodologies, Business Analysts act as a liaison between stakeholders and the development team, monitoring progress and ensuring timely delivery of key deliverables.

91. What is meant by scope creep?

The term scope creep refers to changes that occur uncontrollably or suddenly in the scope of the project without any changes to its other resources. It is caused by a lack of proper monitoring, excessive communication, etc.

92. What are the elicitation techniques in Business Analytics?

The process of eliciting requirements from end users and stakeholders is known as requirement gathering. Various techniques involved in this process include:

  • The brainstorming process
  • Analyzing documents
  • The focus group
  • Analyzing interfaces
  • The interview
  • Reverse engineering
  • Survey
  • Observations
  • The prototyping process
  • Requirements workshop

93. During the initial stages of product development, what steps are taken?

  • Analyzing the market
  • Analyzing SWOT
  • The personas
  • Analyzing competitors
  • Identifying the strategic vision for the company

94. BPMN gateway: what is it and what are its elements?

A BPMN gateway controls the flow of processes and interactions, which can be considered a part of processing modeling.

BPMN gateway consists of the following elements:

  • A flow object
  • Swimlanes
  • Data connection objects
  • Artifacts

95. To avoid scope creep, what steps should you take?

Scope creep can be avoided by following these steps:

  • Documentation of the scope of the project that is highly readable
  • Change management schemes for effective implementation
  • Accurately documenting new requirements in logs
  • Eliminating the need to add many extra features to existing entities

96. In business analysis, distinguish between BRD and SRS.

Business Requirements Document System Requirements Specification
A high-level functional specification for software Technical specifications for software
This document was created by Business Analysts after consulting with clients A technical systems architect designed the system
Following the client’s requirements By BRS after engagement with the client

97. Gap analysis: what is it?

Gap analysis is a method used in Business Analysis to understand and analyze the gaps that exist between the existing system and the goals that have been set.

As well, it can be used to assess the level of performance between current and desired functionality.

98. How is requirement prioritization used in Business Analysis?

Prioritizing requirements is a structured process for allocating them based on their urgency, taking into account a variety of factors, such as

  • The phase of the project
  • Schedule for delivery
  • Cost capping

99. How do requirements get prioritized?

Prioritizing requirements can be accomplished using the following techniques:

  • 100-dollar method
  • MoSCoW technique
  • Five whys
  • Requirement ranking method
  • Kano analysis


Business analysts have a variety of roles inside their organizations. However, the Salesforce business analyst interview questions listed above are some of the most well-liked and frequently asked. Your chances of acing the interview will increase as you become more accustomed to these queries. So without further ado, start working through these questions right away.